About Stein…

Born in America, living in Europe. Geek by choice and SCUBA diving fanatic.

With 278 cities visited in over 41 countries under his belt is a certified world traveler.

Has an unhealthy long list of hobbies and personal projects but invests most of his scarse free time taking pictures, riding his mountain bike, ruling the squash court and playing classical guitar.



“I am a man of simple tastes easily satisfied with the best”

-Winston Churchill

4 thoughts on “About Stein…

  1. I’m trying to concentrate and skim through your posts, but I’m terribly distracted by your last name. You just left me a comment over on my blog and I came over for a visit. Did you know my maiden name is Castillo?

    • Hi there! The world has become a very small place indeed (thanks to the trains?). I was born in Mexico and I am related to the Castillo family in the northern states. Rings a bell? Maybe we are related! 🙂

    • Guadalupe, thanks a lot!!!! muchas gracias! Those comments are the ones that keep me writing! 🙂


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